The overall goal of the conservation department is to safeguard threatened wildlife species and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth through, collaboration, research, and environmental education/awareness creation, management of protected areas and enhancement of alternative livelihoods.
The programs under this department include;
Environment/Wildlife Conservation
A cross-cutting area that the organization considers from the start in all projects. With the knowledge that human development is only sustainable if it respects and protects its natural environment, NaPCoD works towards the protection of the environment and its wildlife through conservation education and awareness creation, habitat restoration of Protected Areas (PAs) and provision of alternative income generating activities to local forest users
Conservation Education and awareness creation
NaPCoD uses effective conservation education and awareness creation programs as strong tools in fostering sustainable behavior, improving public support for conservation, reducing vandalism and poaching in protected areas, improving compliance with conservation regulations, increasing recreation carrying capacities, and influencing conservation policies and decisions. NaPCoD therefore considers this aspect vital towards the protection of wildlife and the environment. To achieve this, NaPCoD works closely with local forest users through workshops, seminars, radio programs, and creation of environmental clubs in local schools to enhance environmental education. The general goal is to sensitize on the ecological, cultural, scientific and medicinal significance of forests and associated wildlife and promote sustainable behaviors that help to sustain these values.
Economic Livelihood Support programs (ELFP) and Community Development
The organization covers a broad area of activities that enable a community to be self-sustaining including food security, income-generating activities, sanitation and urbanization. Hands-on practical activities have been included in the program on the basis that successful conservation should benefit as well the local population than solely wildlife; local communities stand on the frontline of conservation as they could play either the role of forest guardians or perpetrators of crimes depending on the benefits they get from the forest.
Thus, NaPCoD trains forest users based on interests and environmental factors, on the various agricultural and other livelihood programs including but not limited to apiculture, mushroom production, organic home gardening, piggery, cane rat domestication.
Research and Bio-monitoring
NaPCoD carries out wildlife conservation research of terrestrial wildlife (mammals, reptiles and amphibians). Within the confinements of agriculture, NaPCoD acts as a research Centre for farmers and most especially agriculture students of universities within and without the North West Region of Cameroon